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Writer's pictureGuidance By Z

Don’t Critisate. Appreciate. ⁣

My ex-husband has some hilarious sayings that even now, six years since we split, we all still laugh at. This particular old gem of his flowed to me last night as I was sitting in my heart space. ⁣

The topic of manifestation has been in my field of late. Awareness of the various tones of manifestation and the prevalence of manifestation “gurus” are as aplenty as weight loss cures. ⁣

My Ex’s wise words felt important to share with all of you. (They might actually have been inspired by Quinton Rampage Jackson circa Pride FC, 2003 but don’t quote me on that) ⁣

Don’t Critisate. Appreciate. ⁣

Often the basis of manifestation comes from an unhappiness of the current state of XYZ and wishing for something to manifest to change that. ⁣

Bigger boobs. Dream car. Crush. Stacks in the bank. ⁣

The tone of that state of manifestation, IMHO, comes from a lack mindset: a state of “Critisating” the current situation. ⁣

We just passed that epic New Moon in Aries where no doubt many scribbled out their desired manifestations for the new lunar cycle/year. And I’m not on a high horse here, I sat down with my pen and paper that night to do the same. ⁣

But when that pen hit that page all I could write was Thank You. For every area I thought I wanted to manifest some kind of change, all I could do was offer gratitude for what was in the present. ⁣

I would wager a guess that collectively, more ink is spent writing desired manifestations in those rituals, than offering gratitude. ⁣

My baby boy offered me so much gratitude for a pack of Pokémon cards because I gave him more than I promised him I would. His gratitude hit my heart so deeply that I just wanted to give him a billion packs if I could. ⁣

Then I wondered if he’d be as grateful for the fifth pack as he was for the first. ⁣

Then I wondered about me. Us. Are we even all that grateful? Do we even appreciate what is? Like really truly from the heart, every single day, grateful? Just as grateful for the thing like six weeks later? ⁣

So my Ex’s catchy saying flooded my field as I sat in my heart space reflecting on gratitude and manifestation. ⁣

Please know that I say this with zero shade on my brilliant sisters and brothers in the spiritual community doing amazing work in this arena, but rather to add another layer of perspective…⁣

What if instead of waking up every morning reciting the same manifestation affirmations for what we don’t have now but want to change/experience (Critisating the past & present), we recalled the giant list of all the beauty, miracles, divine alignments, and magic we’ve ever experienced (Appreciating the past & present)?⁣

How might that change our vibe? Our magnetism? I mean who doesn’t want a thicker, juicier booty, but have you ever just stood in the mirror and appreciated the heck out of the booty you’ve got? ⁣

Consider incorporating a lot more gratitude in your manifestation practices. ⁣

Critisaters be haters. And don’t nobody wanna rain blessings down on a poopy faced Critisating Haterator ⁣

So don’t Critisate. Appreciate. ⁣


(Thanks D!)⁣

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