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Finance & Astrology-Today’s BOC rate increase & the New “Bull Market”

Writer's picture: Guidance By ZGuidance By Z

Updated: Jul 13, 2022

The Bank of Canada raised its interest rates by a whole 1% today. Higher than we expected. As a mortgage lender, this is a big deal in my work world. My director sent an email this morning with the announcement. As I skimmed it quickly brushing my teeth, I misread the word Ukraine as Uranus.

But that’s not entirely incorrect. Perhaps on the face of it Ukraine may be playing role in the global economy. But in the sky, Uranus is in Taurus conjunct the North Node.

IYKYK: the two seemingly unrelated situations are very connected.

Uranus rules Aquarius. It’s an energy of inviting big unexpected changes, often dramatic, to shift things on its ear. Uranus literally has a different orbit to the rest of the planets. Look it up! He is unique, avant garde, bold, and brings big shifts. Because of his ruler Aquarius, he is inspired by the need to make advancements towards new paradigms and technologies, new ways of doing and being, the New Age.

So this funky pants planet is at fall in Taurus: a sign of stability, tradition, comfort, luxuries, old money, and a major resistance to change. We cows love to snuggle up in 10000 thread count sheets and nap with snacks. We don’t do change.

We as a collective are very comfortable with how things are. Wether we are struggling or thriving in life, at least it’s predictable.

We view the economy the same way. It’s cyclical. The Bear Market. The Bull Market. Inflation. Recession. Andex Chart. Supply & Demand. It’s Taurus. Even in its uncomfortable times, it’s comfortable.

Uranus has been in Taurus for a minute causing all kinds of uncomfortable and destabilizing shifts to this realm. A global pandemic, supply chain issues, rising costs, job losses… uncomfortable, yes. But also opening the doors to possibilities we never would have considered had we not been forcibly pushed into it.

So Uranus is in Taurus, now conjunct the North Node-a placement signifying our collective destiny and where we are evolving to. So these uncomfortable shifts are supported by the destined future we don’t even realize we are creating.

And all this mama jama is starting to square off with Saturn in Aquarius-The strict Daddy of astrology. And remember, Aquarius is the ruler of Uranus!  We’re gonna feel this well into the Summer.

But it’s also opposing the South Node in Scorpio. A sign that enjoys the hedonistic side of indulgence. The South Node is where we are evolving away from.

And that Capricorn full moon today beneficially trined this Uranus in Taurus. Today was a destined day for this.

So imagine the collective needs to move towards a new way of being & doing, be less indulgent, more heartfelt and conscious, and now Daddy Saturn is getting involved!

You can sure bet things will happen to push us and make us uncomfortable to make that happen.

So this 100 basis points hike by the Bank of Canada is just another alarm clock ringing to wake us up.

To create a better world we have to stop being the same as we’ve always been. True authentic change needs to happen with true authentic efforts. We can’t have our cakes and eat them too. Especially not for the same price. (Inflation jokes)

You can’t halfass a movement with a hashtag and a shrug. Changing the frame on your profile pic while living the same life is not how we get there. This isn’t time for a disingenuous photo op; it’s getting into the trenches and doing the deep work to see the profound rewards.

The truest Andex chart is hindsight. (An Andex chart the historical data line graph that shows the shifts in the economy over the last hundred or so years showing cyclical changes)

This hindsight shows us that despite the catastrophic things that have happened to us individually and globally, we’ve always grown because of them and thrived.

Astrology is not a doomsday predictor. It’s an unemotional guide. We choose our intentions. We infuse our vibration into it and manifest our realities based on how we interpret this data.

And this, when coupled with grateful hindsight, radical acceptance that despite the comfort we deserve better, and faith that we are capable of cocreating it-we know All is Well.

Looking at the astrology, no, things aren’t comfortable. But it’s that friction that sparks the burning down of the things that really aren’t serving our highest good. It lights the way of hope, of unimaginable and inspired new systems. And on the other side-things will be unrecognizable and healthier.

Perhaps being less comfortable for a moment invites the opportunity to be more grateful? To enjoy simpler things in life for a short while?

All this with Uranus in Taurus is also Sextiled by the Sun in Cancer. This is a nurturing mama vibe is holding us in her warm embrace and telling us it’s going to be ok. Because it is. Like “yes you have to change schools kiddo but you’re going to have way more friends there.”

So this interest rate hike, or whatever you’re seeing in your world is for a bigger, better, Divinely inspired reason. Go with the flow. Stay in faith. And most importantly-prioritize your well-being. Healthier choices make the ride a whole lot easier.

Listen. You choose your reality. YOU CHOOSE YOUR REALITY. You are a sovereign being capable of your own interpretations. Focus more on the knowing in your heart rather than the fearful doom & gloom fed to us. They don’t call it a newsfeed for nothing!

All is Well




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