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Writer's pictureGuidance By Z

Just in time for the Lions Gate Portal

They talk a lot in the community about “incoming light codes” especially around these highly hyped up “portal” days.

We as a collective mind have the capacity to create storms through the power of our intention.

When we collectively pump up a date, we manifest that date to become a thing. Good or bad, we cocreate this mechanism.

Much like how weather can be manipulated to create storms out of “thin air”. A mechanism as powerful as our collective consciousness, can be subject to external influence in steering that collective vibrational field.

As more “heartminds” feel fearful or nervous anticipation, we manifest such results.

So externally manipulative factors can pump more ideologies to fear certain portal dates.

When the “heartminds” connected to the greater collective “heartmind” are wounded, hurting, ungrateful, it influences the steering of the collective “heartmind” to perpetuate similar results.

This is why shadow work and healing of the self are key. Because, as we consciously heal our wounds and feel more faith, we are harder to pull down.

Light codes come in to guide the collective heartmind towards auspiciousness.

And as this is still a spiritual battle, it would stand to reason that “dark codes” could come in steer it the other way.

The two are one and the same as everything possesses both a + and a -.

So the run up to such hyped up portal dates like today are a target for the two-light and dark codes.

And the battle, by fractal, is won within our beingness by transmuting the dark codes and flipping them to the light side (like a cosmic pancake). Aka rewiring those icky dark things rattling in your overthinking mind to a positive faithed perspective. As we each flip our heartmind pancakes, the collective heartmind pancake is flipped.

Just like how every small town fair loses its charm as it becomes a target for marketing photo ops by opportunistic big corporations, so too do these sacred portal date.

Understand that the more hyped up a day becomes by the collective, the more it becomes a target for manipulation and an opportunity to practice the operative maneuvers we’ve been training for.

Recognize the energetic grenades, shadowy landmines, and icky coups we’re enduring. You are so powerful and capable of flipping that flapjack and manifesting the highest timeline.

Be discerning and sovereign.

Focus on your own healing & heartmind

Neuroplasticity coupled with faith and gratitude are your ultimate survival/thrive-al kit

You’ve been training for this all of your lives.

Just like in a tug-o-war, grab that rope of faith harder, and pull with all your might in the direction of the highest timeline.


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