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Writer's pictureGuidance By Z

Let your prayers be louder than your triggers

Some of the greatest miracles I’ve heard of, and even experienced myself, came from moments where there was no other option left but to pray, and believe in the power of that prayer. ⁣

We have this assumption that prayer must be that thing some of us were taught as kids in our respective religious upbringings. And while that may resonate as a practice for some, it doesn’t always connect for others. Nor for the ones that grew up without it. ⁣

Prayer is a conversation with the All That Is, a chat with God/Universe/Creator/Source/Morgan Freeman. It’s a surrender to the highest benevolence. ⁣

The words, in whatever words, in whatever language, in whatever level of formality or not, is an encoded intention through your words-internally or externally. It’s magical. ⁣

It’s an underutilized surrender to the power within and without. ⁣

We don’t require trinkets nor talismans. We don’t require bells and whistles. We already have that divinity within us that is linked to the divinity around us. Everything else is extra but unnecessary. ⁣

It’s why unlearning all of our falsely held limiting beliefs and fortifying our self love and mastery is so key. Because only through truly seeing how Divinely worthy and powerful you are, can you truly understand the magnitude of the power you hold simply through your heartfelt prayers and intentions. ⁣

There is something so powerful in the ultimate surrender. The gut wrenching cries of prayer. The letting go of the egoic beliefs that we can handle this on our own. ⁣

How many times have we stubbornly tried to carry something heavy and swatted away peoples offer for help acting petulant and foolish. When we finally let go of our ish and accept the help, it’s as if the thing is weightless and moves effortlessly. ⁣

(Or maybe that’s just my stubborn Taurean butt?)⁣

Prayer is just like that. It’s putting down our petulance and asking for the help that is our birthright. Our SOULright. Do the work, yes. But WITH Divine support. Think of how much easier it would be to shift the heavy things we carry within with His/Her/Their support. ⁣

So pray. Pray quietly. Pray loudly. Whatever the words, whatever the ceremony or lack thereof; keep the prayer and intention in your heart, mind and mouth on loop like a catchy Pop song. And when the screams of triggers and pain and anxiety and worry and fears and tragedy turn it up a notch, pray that much harder and drown it all out. ⁣

And be a grateful witness to all that miraculous unfoldment. ⁣

Pray. Believe. Witness. Gratitude. Repeat. ⁣

All is Well ⁣


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