Ok I’ll say it. It feels like a$$. Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually… things are heavy… we feel heavy… my hearts are heavy… communication is foggy… connections to Source feel muddled… nothing makes sense anymore… and everything hurts. The planets are doing things, the moon is doing things, the sun is doing things, and the planet is doing things. The more fragile we are, the rawer we feel, the more susceptible we are to cosmic fuckery. The more you seek for answers, especially when you’re like this, the more those answers will hurt you. As soon as you realize, or at least remember, that you are not the seeker of answers but rather, you are the conduit of the answer, the illusion of the void will slowly dissipate. Things are messy messy messy out there. Make your vessel and mind clear. And come back into yourself. Into your prayer. In lieu of words of advice or wisdom from my own foggy dark voided mind, I share with you some plants I saw today that look like plant butts. So we can all laugh for a moment at the sense of humour the universe has with us and all these a$$-like energies. And until you’re able to remember how amazing and worthy you are, I’ll remind you: you are amazing and worthy. These days do feel like a$$ and that’s ok, they rarely stay that way. And there are always peaks on the other side of those valleys. Hike on Soul Fam ✊🏽