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Writer's pictureGuidance By Z

Post Pisces Full Moon-Intuitive Astrology by Z & the Rise of the Divine Feminine

Happy Monday Soul Fam! It’s been a few days since that Pisces Full Moon and that ridiculously intense af Thursday/Friday… ⁣

I’m sitting here early this morning, on my patio with my coffee, and I’m in a completely different space.  While incredibly exhausting and painful, this weekend also ushered in a lot of clarity. ⁣

This weekend also had a lot of joy and exciting new adventures. It laid the track for a new path and a solidifying of a vision once only dreamed was possible. ⁣

Is there work to do? Yes. But also a great deal of Divine support and gratitude. There’s a fearlessness in being the whole self. An authenticity in how we show up and be unapologetically the self. There’s a realization of one’s value vs the budget of another. ⁣

Balenciaga is not trying to chase the Walmart shopper. No shade on either, but just saying, the former doesn’t base its value on whether Jessica the single mom trying to use a coupon on Great Value Mac and Cheese for her kids, buys their latest bag. They price accordingly and know their worth. ⁣

The same way we don’t base our value on the emotional capacity, or emotional budget, of others.

This weekend, the intense lunation illuminated the illusions one held of their own worth. The Moon in Pisces coming off strict daddy Saturn on a mission, opposed Venus in harmonious near conjunction with the Sun in Virgo on Friday night, really amplified the Venusian valuation of the self in a really grounded way. The whole process was a cosmic good cop bad cop showdown. But by the time the stocks closed, our self value appropriately settled much higher than where we started. As it should. ⁣

There’s no unseeing what’s been seen. And no unknowing what’s been understood. And the truth doesn’t limit the way it was feared it would. But rather, the release from the entanglements of the mind provided unending possibilities. ⁣

There’s now a deep lust for life and loving the self (and all our curves and edges) with the delicious giddiness of a hot new romance. A toe curling, climbing up the walls, inner moan to dig one’s fingernails in ecstasy of pleasing oneself. Of creating for oneself, accomplishing goals, luxuriating, commanding abundance, and dominating life in ways we were once too timid and submissive. ⁣

We’ve been caged in our minds for far too long and we are savage for this release to get out and play; to live every last drop of this juicy life. To claim everything that was meant for us for lifetimes, yet held back. ⁣

That watery Full Moon was the Third Eyewash station, clearing the sediment clouding our vision. But we see ourselves now.

The intuition of a priestess, the deep heart of gold, the unstoppable warrior spirit of a Divine Feminine who has fought & climbed up from the shadows but knows those demons are not to be feared but instead are her closest friends. ⁣

There is nothing that can stop Her. ⁣

And that is the power of the fire through which we burned and rose from over the weekend…⁣

Also maybe did some meal preps and a few loads of laundry….⁣

How was yours? 🤔 ⁣

Forever forward, upward, & always Divinely supported. ⁣


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