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Writer's pictureGuidance By Z

Reality is the Affirmation of the Mind

What came first: ⁣

The chicken or the egg? ⁣

The trauma or the trauma mind? ⁣

The experience or the mindset? ⁣

Look, life happens. ⁣

And then we wake up. ⁣

When we wake up, we stretch and rub the cobwebs and traumas out of our eyes and get out of bed to start our new lives. ⁣

Thus begins a process of healing, awareness, becoming and unbecoming-a cosmic boot camp leading to our rebirths. A technical process not meant to last our entire incarnations, but rather an intensive refurbishment period to realign to our highest timelines. ⁣

Awakening. ⁣

Who we consciously reinforce ourselves to be, the lives we consciously reinforce ourselves to live, the merry go round of patterns and beliefs and behaviours and mindsets ON THE OTHERSIDE OF OUR AWAKENING is a choice. ⁣

Just like how a kid doesn’t learn until he or she learns: we aren’t aware until we are aware. The student who repeats errors on the other side of learning the lessons is owed a greater standard of accountability than the novice. ⁣

Just like us. ⁣

We have to know by now that we owe ourselves a much greater standard of accountability in our mindsets. ⁣

We didn’t choose the initial trauma. But we gotta take our power back and stop choosing to relive it. ⁣

Your mind is a mirror to your outer experience. Practice shifting your experience from the inside out. ⁣

We believe we have to experience miracles in order to believe in them. But life shows us miracles every day. We have to believe to see, not wait and see to believe. ⁣

You have to order well off the menu of your mind to savour the tasty delights of reality. If you keep ordering that gross thing, your life will only continue to affirm this at supper time. ⁣

Don’t you ever forget how powerful you truly are: your reality is the literal affirmation of your mindset. ⁣


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