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THROWBACK-Conscious Parenting by Z-Understanding the inner demons of an awakened child

Throwback to a piece I wrote back in June 2020. It was one of my first on the topic of conscious parenting. I’ve since written several others, spoken at a children's summit (video on my channel), been interviewed on it, and consulted on several other projects.

The more the world as we know it breaks under the weight of unsustainable unconsciousness, the more we look to our future with hope and expectancy.

The future of humanity rests on the shoulders of our children.

This means the future of our future rests on our shoulders as parents. #nopressure

This is why the call for us to step out and do more in this field is so loud in the community.

This here below was from the first time I answered that call. Stay tuned for more from me on this topic to come.


When my 5 year old and I lazily woke up this morning, we had a pretty vulnerable conversation. A far reach from our usual silly pillow talk.

I’ve been trying really hard to be more present with him (a difficult task when you’re an overthinking overachieving multitasking single mama on an ascension path). I’ve noticed as I have been more present, he’s felt safer to open up to me about what’s going on inside.  So much of this I felt guided to share with you.

He’s an awakened soul in a child’s body. The complexities he feels and processes daily are confusing. As was the case for me when I was his age. It’s hard to make sense of all the things. So many of our children are this way. But as parents trying to exist within a matrix we too don’t fit, we try extra hard to squeeze them into a box of “normal” because we struggled so much with being “normal” and we want for them what we never had.

The world we were born into was the old world. And we were incarnated to shift it and heal it from the old paradigm. To be here for the great awakening of humanity happening now. His generation’s purpose is not the same. It’s to build something new. To build a better humanity, unlike anything we’ve seen before. And with that, their gifts need to be accepted, supported, and understood without bias. A big part of this is by us doing our inner work and healing all the things so that we can ensure their DNA is clear of the ancestral crap. That’s why so many of us parents’ lives fall apart soon after we have them.

It’s f-ing go time: Tower moments now. Awaken now. Heal now. Cut the ish now. Self mastery now. Live your purpose now. Enough dilly dallying.

They are powerful empaths who, from a very young age, feel all the things without personalization for the most part. And thus, assist us in transmuting them too. As they get older and more aware, like he’s at now, they start to attach personal storylines to the complex emotions. This is when they need us the most. Our compassion, openness, vulnerability, authenticity, experience, patience, and love.

He talked this morning about the inner battles he struggled with. His inner demons. It’s so hard to imagine a 5 year old struggling with inner demons. But as someone with pretty big inner demons of her own, many of which were suppressed from my childhood, I now totally get it.

I know from my personal journey that suppressing them made me susceptible to accepting situations throughout my life that supported my perceived brokenness, thereby making it nearly impossible to ignore until I dealt with it.

Here I am 40 with a sword in my hand aimed at that demons throat, thinking of how much more I could have accomplished and enjoyed of my life had I known better, sooner.

Lately I’ve been guiding him through I Am affirmations to assist as he’s been pretty frustrated with himself lately. Either in the mirror or with me, I ask him to repeat them and make up his own. I Am Brave. I Am Loveable. I Am Smart. Etc. He loves doing it.

This morning he opened up how his heart knows he’s all these good things, but his mind tells him otherwise. How much he struggles to believe his heart when his mind is so loud in his body. How his mind tells him all these dark things about himself. But how his heart tells him all the good. And how it’s confusing for him.

He felt so isolated and thought there was something wrong with him. I told him I had them too. He couldn’t believe it. He asked me what my mind told me about myself. So I listed off a few. And he was surprised and angry at how wrong my mind was in telling me these things when to him, they weren’t true.

I told him that the mind is the ego and is very good at making you think some pretty ugly things about yourself that aren’t true and it’s a superpower we have to develop to learn to let our soul/heart’s truth be louder inside of us. I told him I knew it wasn’t easy. And how things would happen in his life to confirm his ego thoughts were correct as a test. To have faith that his heart was always right about him. He sat with that.

I don’t know how I managed to handle this conversation without breaking down myself, especially before I even had my glasses on and my coffee. I mean it’s my baby you know?

My ego wanted me to think his demons were because I was a bad mommy. I just want him to be carefree and know his beauty and worthiness. It broke my heart that at 5 he battled the things I still struggle with.

I also knew what a privilege it was for me to be in the position I was in where he felt safe enough to open up to. So I had to rise. And I learned a lot about myself in this chat too.

Wishing for our children to have a better life than our own, we have to be aware of the intricacies of their psycho-emotional-spiritual development in relation to their gifts, their stimulus, their DNA, and their conduction of external collective and geomagnetic energies. We don’t need to understand every finite detail, but bringing this into our awareness assists us in shifting our behaviours as parents.

We are still trying to bridge the elements of spirituality with the new reality we are cocreating from within the programming of old one. There’s a delicate choreography we are still designing in how things will be. And a need to release the need to control everything and know all the answers.

The acceptance that it’s ok to make mistakes. That it’s ok to not know how things will look. To remain in a state of loving presence. The willingness to be vulnerable. And to have the faith to believe that it will all work out how it’s meant to.


Originally published June 8, 2022

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