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THROWBACK: Life is Devastatingly Beautiful

Guided back to the Guidance by Z vault for a lil sumthin sumthin that felt just right for the vibe. Here’s a piece I wrote early January 2019. ⁣

I was just talking about how one of the darkest things I’ve ever gone through ushered in some of the greatest blessings. ⁣

Like peanut butter and jelly, I could never have had one without the other. In fact I’d wager to say that the jelly blessings wouldn’t have tasted as sweet without first choking down those peanut buttery traumas. ⁣

But wow hey, life is truly beautiful. My Mummy’s favourite saying. For every “All is Well” I give you, lies a thousand “Life is Beautiful” from her. ⁣

When you can hold the darkest memories, heartaches, divine detours, disappointments, broken hearts and shattered dreams, as the greatest moments of your life, you know you’re passed it. ⁣

Feeling blessed won’t delete later idk 🤷🏽‍♀️ ⁣


♾ ⁣

Sometimes we fight experiencing things: ⁣

Beautiful things. ⁣

Painful things. ⁣

Beginnings. ⁣

Endings. ⁣

Effort. ⁣

Struggle. ⁣

Disappointment. ⁣

Heartache. ⁣


Joy. ⁣

We run. ⁣

It’s too good-I don’t deserve it. ⁣

It’s too hard-I’ll never make it. ⁣

It’s too horrible-I can’t bare it. ⁣

What makes us think we control any of this? The only thing we can control is ourselves. And even in that, all we can truly control is our healing, which determines our inner and outer realities. ⁣

When we stop running... When we stop thrashing against the self imposed chains that bind us....When we finally exhale and unclench our hearts and open our minds.... we see this: life is devastatingly beautiful. ⁣

The deaths, the heartaches, the painful endings, the rejections, the failures, the tragedies... often seem so senseless. ⁣

We don’t understand why things happened the way they did in the moment. But multidimensional hindsight allows us to see the divine choreography at play, unwrapping the epic story of our lives. ⁣

The lessons, the karmic healing, the redirections, the angelic assistance, the divine interventions... ⁣

We don’t understand everything. Nor do we need to. But we choose how we wish to experience moments and memories. ⁣

So make the choice to understand that we don’t need to understand, instead we just need to stop running, and surrender to what is, and have faith that whatever is unfolding however it is, is for the highest good. ⁣

Making the conscious choice to always choose the highest road ensures your destination will be divine perfection. ⁣

Making the conscious choice to see things that way ensures everything you see in life is beautiful. ⁣


Originally published, January 6, 2019⁣

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