Throwback to a post originally published November 15, 2020
Felt guided to dig through the Guidance by Z Vault for this one in light of the ripples of fears, judgements, and excitements fluttering the collective.
Wether it’s the news or the newsfeed; the collective or the individual, all kinds of things are happening. And that makes people feel and react some type of way. And THAT makes other people feel or judge some type of way.
What hindsight on this conscious journey teaches us is that all is always well. Things always work out. And if they don’t work out how you want, you know they work out better.
We’ve learned that everything is in divine alignment. So then why can’t we see that about our differences? Harmony is a variety notes working together. And this life is a rich and beautiful song.
Trust that these are fated times and that all is on track.
God/Universe/Creator/Divine Source/Morgan Freeman isn’t just good, He is Divine Perfection and NOTHING can defeat Him. The twists and turns just make it all more interesting 😉
For each of us, the path to enlightenment is uniquely and Divinely personalized.
Much like a fingerprint, no two journeys are identical. Yet we spend so much time trying to find similarities, judging differences, and turning our attention onto others’ actions. This acts as a distraction from our own path.
When traversing a treacherous trail, one focuses on their own footing to ensure safety, not another’s.
Your awakening is not dependent on someone else’s.
Love is always the answer. “Love your neighbour as yourself” in this context means love others around you with the same freedom as you love yourself.
Accept that things may look or sound different.
And even in the ways things look so glaringly different that you don’t understand why or how someone else’s looks that way; you love harder by allowing them the freedom and basic human respect to be as they are, do as they do, believe as they believe.
Suspend judgement, comparisons, righteous indignation, and the need to pull out the red pen in an attempt to make corrections on the coursework of another.
All is Well is a mindset that underscores that ALL, even the differences of opinions, IS WELL.
Everything is designed so perfectly, even the differences. Believe that.
Think of a choir singing. The depth and beauty of the song comes from the harmony, not the Baritone and Soprano reaching the same note.
Your mission, your contribution to the raising of the collective consciousness, comes from you embodying your light. A frequency emitted through your own enlightenment and self mastery. Not by micromanaging another to look like yours.
You do you.
Leave the rest to faith.
All is well.
Originally published November 15, 2020