Full Moon in Virgo Vibes telling of divine alignment today… I’m a Virgo moon. So my attention to detail is near obsessive, especially from myself.
I had a few hours free this morning so I decided to put down a cute rug in my room. This ended up becoming a whole ordeal as furniture needed to be moved and moved again and again. The rug was Persian inspired with a border. I couldn’t get the lines on the border to line up with my dressers to save my life.
What should have taken me 5 minutes took 30 minutes, a couple of bruised toes, and taking everything I put in, back out again. But I got there eventually. I didn’t give up the perfection I knew I was capable of achieving.
I came down to enjoy a coffee and noticed my sons toy bin was in disarray. I quickly tried to put it back. But it wouldn’t fit back together. My 30 second task was delayed as I took everything out and put it back in properly so I could tidy things up. I might have bruised another toe in the process.
A valuable parable was learned from these moments, especially surrounding the collective experience:
Divine alignment can feel messy. It’s seldom that things that are worth it fall into place effortlessly the first time, especially when there’s a mess in the way. We aren’t in an empty room slowly sliding things in like Tetris. We have a lot in here and we have to adjust things as we go. Add one thing, take out three, add another, take everything out, reorganize, put it all back in properly.
You can go grocery shopping and shove everything into the fridge, but that leftover you were excited to enjoy will no doubt get shoved into the back to rot, hidden from your view.
Sometimes, as new experiences come inwards, the Divine will choose to slow the flow to allow us to savour what’s already there with gratitude and mindfulness, so that we can then truly appreciate what’s coming in, in its entirety.
This process can be stressful and messy and often leave you with a bruised toe or three (I should really remember to wear slippers or steel toed shoes more often).
My son just had his birthday last week. And I’m purposely not letting him open all of his new toys to play with all at once. I want him to enjoy what he has and slowly incorporate his new things in with the flow and maybe consider taking some out.
Divine is like this.
We are so used to an instant gratification mindset of “get it now, consume it now, on to the next”. But there’s a lack of prolonged satisfaction and peace in that. That old way results in a toxic cycle of a dopamine high until the novelty wears off and then we go chasing the next high.
But true inner peace is balancing the hormones, the nervous system, the mindset, and the spiritual practice as a form of self mastery.
Chasing the dopamine high keeps you from truly taking care of the things needed at hand. And there are things that require your attention right now, if you were being honest with yourself.
Chasing anything is a masculine state. But receiving is a feminine one. So realign yourself constantly to step into your masculine for what you should be attending to for YOUR highest good, and allow your feminine to nurture and glow and Divinely receive. Alignment is a co-creaction between the two polarities of the self in harmony with the All That Is.
And so, if you find that there are perceived delays or set backs, trust that Divine alignment is always at play. There are never any accidents. And delays are truly just an illusion. Everything is perfectly perfect as it should be.
Whether you see this within yourself, in relation to others, or on the larger, more global scale: Have faith that everything is working perfectly how it should with grander Divine design in mind. It doesn’t have to make sense right now, but it always does.
Focus on what you can and should control. Even if it’s as simple as your breath.
All is Well