Throwback to a post I published last year. This post-Virgo New Moon with all them malefic squares and dark broody retrogrades be bringing up all kinds of dark & stormy memories & aches from the gallows. So I felt like it was a perfect time to bring this old piece back up. I’ll vulnerably admit that my RBB has been acting up these last couple of weeks and it’s time for this truth injection. For me and the whole collective.
Psssst. Let me confess a few secrets to you:
1.) I don’t drink nearly as much water as I tell all of y’all to drink. Got that caffeine intake on lock though. 🙃
2.) I struggle with both Resting Bitch Face AND Resting Bitch Brain.
RBF is why I go out of my way to smile extra and be really sweet. Because I keep being told I intimidate the hell out of people with this tall imposing intense angry lookin ole mug.
Resting Bitch Brain, or RBB as I will abbreviate here for ease, is similar to RBF only it’s for your mindset.
On the face of it (pun totally intended), I seem like a really positive, faithful, bright light (as people keep telling me🤷🏽♀️) but the baseline of my mindset at rest (not at meditation or high vibey), is rather curmudgeonly.
Like I try really hard to be super positive (insert Carlton Banks’ toothy grin and thumbs up) but really, no. I’m not.
I admit I’m working on this.
But we just gotta be real and honour and love ourselves the way we are as a means to eliminate the shame we hold against ourselves for not being the way we feel we ought to be.
Cus that ish ain’t helpin anybody. 🙅🏽♀️
So in those moments, when we genuinely get all high vibey and positive, we can appreciate the contrast to our baseline RBB.
The fact of the matter is that RBB comes from unresolved trauma mixed with fear and pessimism. All self protection methods rooted in conditioning from passed wounds.
Your brain is cerebrally trying to overcompensate for its fears of repeated woundings by not letting your hopes get too high up. Not exactly healthy. But we get it.
Like how your body learns that to deal with stress, you light up a smoke. Again not healthy, but it becomes a habit for a reason.
Admitting you have RBB is the first step towards overcoming RBB.
Like shake all the things out and sit with your eyes closed. Take three deep breaths. And then try to picture a positive outcome to something you care about. Then observe your knee jerk reaction. What do you see/feel/think/do? Are you excitedly winning that lottery ticket? Or are you angry at yourself for wasting money on a silly thing that obviously won’t win (as an example).
Being a veteran Resting Bitch Face, I’ve done a lot of work to counter it’s effects. Such as smiling more, engaging my eyes differently, dressing well, wearing make up, and being extra kind-all in an attempt to counter the impact of my snarlyface. (Seriously I have no idea where that comes from. I don’t get that look from in any of my families🤷🏽♀️)
[ Interjecting here to say all faces are beautiful as they are and you do not need to do anything to make any part of you better or more worthy or lovable. This is just me after having been bullied over the years about my face. ]
But we don’t pay any mind to Resting Bitch Brain. Why? Does that not also impact us on the daily? Or maybe we can mask the RBB easier than our RBF.
Others comment on why one with RBF looks so angry. But no one can see the RBB so no one can comment on why you feel or think so angrily.
Perhaps those of us suffering from RBB need to be consciously more mindful in our routines and practices in order to overcome the snarlybrain.
[ Oh I just thought of something... maybe if I fix my RBB I will inadvertently fix my RBF? 🤔🤷🏽♀️]
Whatever dude, this Snarlyface is hella cute.
This Snarlybrain is not.
RBB can lead to much more serious consequences in the long run: lowered vibe/mindset, operating from fear instead of faith, inviting similarly aligned poopy connections, manifesting struggles, discolouring experiences etc.
Your mind creates. And so if your mind is unhealthy, you create as such.
Don’t let your fears and egoic trauma brain govern the temperament of your mindset. Choose to practice faithful openness.
But first, you gotta admit your ish to yourself.
My name is Zahra and I struggle with Resting Bitch Brain.
Also let’s all raise a glass of water and drink it.
Because hydration, people.
Originally published April 28, 2021