Throwback to a post I published July 21st this year because I cannot stress this message enough.
Highly guided to put this back out this morning as Libra Season is now here with Venus in the mix and Mercury retrograde is coming to a close this weekend.
The theme of relationships and soul deep bonds will be a thing for many. Consciousness in all ways is of the highest priority.
You may not even realize how much you cocreate, manifest, and influence everything and everyone just by your own embodiment & inner dialogue; nor how you impact the one(s) closest to your own soul. You are truly magically powerful.
Soul Deep Bonds - The importance of self mastery within Divine connections
Soul deep connections are amazing and also odd and also annoying and also magical. When you’re an empath, soul deep connections will not only have you finishing each other’s sentences, but they’ll have you feeling what they’re feeling, craving what they’re eating, stressing what they’re stressing, and dreaming what they’re doing.
Even from the other side of the planet. You have no idea how many times my soul sister Down Under has told me a random dream describing something that I was doing while she was asleep. Or how many times I reach out to my people “are you having anxiety right now? It’s not mine-where’s it coming from??” Only to find they were processing a shadow.
Soul deep connections, conscious relationships-wether with a romantic partner or soul family or friends-require one to be CONSCIOUS. And that’s why we don’t get them handed to us on a silver platter.
We gotta work hard at the Grad School of life to earn that PHd in Consciousness. With great power comes great responsibility. It requires a heightened level of self mastery.
You have to truly know yourself, trust yourself, regulate yourself, and honour yourself. Like more than anything.
Another’s thoughts can become yours, you then add fuel to that fire with your own spiral twist and send it back unconsciously. They then receive it and overthink and amplify it again. Like a game of psychic operator.
One persons negative self talk can become another’s. One persons fears can become another’s insecurities. And everyone shares everyone’s anxieties.
And everyone hopes that the other doesn’t about know the tempest within, but somehow we do without understanding it. (Which really only serves to deepen that intimacy of being seen)
These storms move through these connections as if there weren’t two (or more) vessels, but rather just one. Rain clouds don’t stop at the border.
Because in soul deep bonds, we energetically become enmeshed with others. So it’s incredibly important to take accountability for one’s influence on the whole, while at the same time being rooted in your sovereignty and having full faith in the process.
It’s that much more important to have a high level of self mastery (emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally) because you have to understand your own self and your range of influence in soul deep connections.
As soulfully enmeshed as we may inadvertently get, we need to own our own independence. Those codependent days are over.
We can become aware of how our soul bonded ones are struggling based on this connection. But we have to step back from running towards them in full saviour or detective mode. You don’t need to fix or know. You just need to be rooted in yourself and lovingly influence the energy through how you show up energetically, not physically.
Strong self mastery is also needed to reign yourself back in with the energetic mental tempest of another has you mentally spiralling into an overthinking abyss of your own.
You have to be able to regulate your own nervous systems when the energetic anxieties and panic felt from another’s pain or trigger point. The assuredness of your nervous system steadies that of others.
Your bills still have to get paid. Your laundry done. Dishes washed. Vitamins taken. This takes extra self regulation and mastery with all this energetic stuff woven into our lives. You can’t let someone’s ish pull you off your own game.
You have to know yourself so the insecurities of another doesn’t feed into your brain. That’s why it takes a while to get there and why doing the inner work is so important.
And you also have to know how to communicate energetically, psychically, with those you’re in a soul deep bond with. When you feel the war within of another-meet it telepathically with love and compassion, not energetic disgust and perpetuation of negative thoughts.
Everyone wants a soul mate but no one understands what that truly entails. It’s not just the about the magic, synchronicities, and deep love. It’s a serious responsibility.
These soul deep connections are a microcosm for us to practice and witness the effects we have on the collective consciousness. Because in actual fact, there is no separation. We are all connected as one. And so we all sway with the collective winds and we all have capacity to influence and shift them within ourselves as we uphold the collective.
Through conscious embodiment, not action:
That’s how we shine our light.
Originally published July 21, 2022